
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με την ετικέτα day

Books, Series, Spanish etc | Day 83

Hello, everyone. My name is Lionder and today I decided to talk to you about some random stuff. Whatever comes to my mind just so you can get to know me a lil' better! Here we go. I'm not into reading this period. So, I finally figured it out yesterday. I'm not that into reading books this period of my life. I feel tired and I'm not in the mood to get lost in a book. I feel like I want to do lighter things such as watching a series. You know. That I ain't got no problem with. But every time I'm like "I have to read a book", I always decide not to. I'm not in the mood this period of do get too passionate about them. But I guess we all go through stuff and now it's not time for me to dedicate myself to reading a book. my life. And this comes as a contrary because I'm one of those people who do love to read books and Did I talk about series? Becauseee... I've started watching a pretty good series. It's called "How to get ...

No Pressure | NEW SONG | Day 82

Hello, everyone. My name is Lionder and today I'm going to be talking to you about my new song "No Pressure" . I'm very excited that my new song is finally out! I've been working on this for quite a long time. This song is about being pressured. Whether that is peer pressure or family pressure, or pressure from work or anything. It doesn't have a certain theme so everybody can relate to it. I started writing the song back in October. It's a song/video that took me nearly 5 months to create, direct, visualize etc. I'm going to give you a detailed analysis of the music video.  First things first, I'd like to mention that visualizing the video was such. a hard. process. I was literally feeling uninspired. I couldn't think of an idea for the video. My mind was lost, confused and frustrated. I tried to dig and dig and dig a little deeper into my mind just to find an idea for the video but it was so hard. I asked my friends to help me with th...

Pretty Little Liars ENDGAME | Day 74

**SPOILER ALERT** Okay, Pretty Little Liars just ended and I don't know how to feel. Firstly, I feel sad because that was it! It ended. And I was feeling so much empathy for the characters and the protagonists that they even made it to my phone wallpaper. You see now? haha I LOVED the show and I appreciate it so much. I'm so happy to have viewed this TV show. It was epic and GENIUS. Let's talk about my experience. One thing that I'll regret is that I was very curious to know more about the characters. I never wanted to know the end of the seasons or anything that had to do with the plot and the scenario. All I wanted to do was to come closer to the actresses' reality, be a fan of them and just follow them on their journey. But that curiosity of mine lead to me not enjoying the BIG REVEALS because guess what. Internet is freaking full of SPOILERS. Like, please, have mercy on me. Don't ruin it all! Don't you ruin it all for me. It's so unfair. ...

13 Reasons Why, Pretty Little Liars | Day 73

Hello, guys.. It's been so many days since I last updated you... Now, I'm listening to Suspicion by the amazing LP.. I heard this song yesterday on the radio and it has such a great and fresh sound combined with the great classic LP style... Is it summer? Well, now, I feel like it is. I'm not 100 percent sure but at least I think so. No worries in my mind, no more homework, no more exams, no more crap. I feel like I am finally breathing some air, if you know what I mean. I feel the need to just rest and not give a damn about anything. However, there are some upcoming shows for which I have to think about but at least I'm not gonna spend my whole day studying ancient Greek and Latin or history. God, I'm no more a slave of those bitches. And don't get me wrong, I love Ancient Greek BUT right now, at this particular moment of my life, I'm so SICK OF 'EM. sick, sick, sick. How are my days? I sleep late. I hate it. But I can't control it. Today I s...

Panellinies. Final Exams. Thoughts | Day 72

I'm in the final way. In case you didn't know I am just a week away from the "Panellinies" exams (the exams you have to pass to study in a university in Greece) and I don't know how to feel.  The whole process is kind of stressful, you feel exhausted, you don't get too much sleep, you have to get a lot of knowledge inside your brain and the whole situation is overwhelming. They purposely try to make you see this is the BIGGEST DEAL of your life. And it works! All of these hours studying for this goal, for a goal that means the world to me this moment of my life -getting to study in my favourite university- have made me crave this so much that it feels like the greatest deal of my life. And it is indeed a great deal to get into the university of your choice and being able to study something that you actually love. But is it worth it to put yourself in such a stress?  They make it look like it's worth it. Because they created this situation. T...

Aristotle is my friend | Day 66

Hello, everybody! How are you today?  So, I was chillinnnn' (Jamaican accent) and I was like "What's up wit my blog?". So, here I am typing on my little blog.  I've got a tense to write "so" again and again! I don't really get what's going on with me but I've always been erasing "so's" in my blog posts because I keep on writing "SO" so freaking many times. I mean... for example: So, I was chillinnnn' [...] So, here I am typing on my little blog.  AND BE-LIE-VE me, there are a hundred times that I find myself trying to figure out what word I should use instead of "so". This is A WORLD WORTH PROBLEM. Be my friend, please..  So, what's up with me.. (Did it again) (and I don't care) (yo) What do I want to share with you today....  Have you read Aristotle?  Aristotle (as well as Socrates, Platon etc) is the reason why we, high school teenagers, suffer everyday for 9 months. It's like hav...

Book Lovers Know | Day 53

Hello, everyone. How are you? I hope you're well!  3 BOOKS OF FABULOUSNESS (what's that title though) 2 days ago I received 3 books that I had ordered and the happiness was real. The books arrived, I opened up the package and saw them in and the feeling of unpacking a box, which's inside, you know, is going to be great, is actually amazing. So, as I was unpacking it I would be the happiest person in the world. The books are written by Philip Pullman and are part of his trilogy "His Dark Materials". They are "Northern Lights, The Subtle knife and the Amber Spyglass. I've got now all of them.   First day of owning the books, I read 90 pages of the first book of the trilogy. Yesterday, I read 20 pages and so far it's absolutely wonderful. Now, I have 364 pages left to finish the Northern Lights. I'm so glad!!!!  Book Lovers Know I've been reading some books lately which I'm a big fan of. And I am a book lover. The world of a book can ...

How to avoid anxiety | Day 42

Hello, everyone!  I've got exciting news for you!  1) My new music video is coming out tonight.  (I'm not going to talk about that until then) 2) And the live shows were great!! Yeah! Remember when I invited all of you to join our first live performances with Fay E. at the 1st Street Art Festival and the 2nd Music Festival? Well, it went great! There were so many people who came and we had SO MUCH FUN. It was literally one of the few times that I had fun while I was singing. And no, don't take this the wrong way.  What I mean to say is that all of the other times that I was singing in front of a crowd, I had anxiety and that wouldn't let me enjoy the show. I was always in an intense mode and It was never a very enjoyable moment. Of course, I always had fun but that fun would come afterwards. While I was singing, I wasn't able to relax and feel the moment. But the past 2 days of me singing live with Fay E. were amazing. They taught me alot.  An...

Vacation | Day 38

Hello, everyone! How are you? I hope you're well!  I hope you're super happy, super excited and super pleasant about life and grateful of all the things that you have. Your bed, your pillow, your couch and every thing inside your house. I hope you feel blessed that you have all of those great things.  Okay, now that I've done my positivity-spreading duty, let's begin! Vacation. I need vacation. I need vacation more than anything. Everyone of us needs it. I need to relax and not think about anything. Just relax. I want to lay on a beach and hear the sound of the waves and dream.... We all need that.       The previous week was the last of this school year. It was an exam period that really tired me. I had to study for 2 or 3 subjects every week for a month and that was a really tiring process. I still feel exhausted but the good thing is that I'm happy with myself. The grades are not out yet but I'm 100% sure that I did good. I studied a lot and I h...

It's been three years! | Day 31

It's been three years!!!! It's been 3 whole years since I uploaded "Scream and Shout Mashup/cover"  and I feel so glad and proud about it! It was my first attempt on creating something different...something for which I worked hard! I still remember my cousin who would hold the camera and my best friend who would turn on and off the music and every time we would turn off the camera, we would laugh so hard! I am so thankful of them for being with me that day because now I have so many beautiful moments to remember. And since then, it's been three whole years!! It feels like it was yesterday!! Thank you, everyone, for your support!! Facts from that video: I recorded the song with my webcam  While we were shooting, the camera battery died so we kept on shooting with the low-megapixel camera of my cousins' phone. The shooting day wasn't in our schedule. We just had free time and we were all together so we did it. It reached more than 300 views on...

Beach Hunting Game | Day 5

Well, hello everyone! So, Yesterday was THE BEST DAY OF THIS MONTH ! I cannot express how much happy I am with words! I participated on a Beach Hunting Game and it was really really fun! I loved it and I'd surely do it again! I would even do it tommorow, it was that fun!  There were way more people in the game! I could take a panoramic picture.  So, there were many teams. Each one of them had a different name etc. For example, there was a team named "Pefotismenoi Ihnilates" (weird name though), so they were all wearing purple t-shirts, they had their own logo and they had even brought with them a laptop so they could easily solve their puzzlers. And the truth is that this team I reffered to, wasn't the only one with those same 'features' . Another team, called "Loufa kai Paralagi", were wearing army clothes and they had even brought with them, a printer! Yes, a printer ! It was really cool to see everyone trying to solve the puzzlers and b...