
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με την ετικέτα life

Πόσο τυχερός είμαι

Έχετε ποτέ κοιτάξει τον καθρέφτη και έχετε θαυμάσει αυτό που βλέπετε; Όχι; Δυο μάτια σε κοιτάζουν ευθεία. Έχουν κάτι να σου πουν. Οι ρυτίδες υπογραμμίζουν αυτό που σου λένε. Και όταν τελειώνει η πρόταση, κλείνουν. Μέχρι να τα ξανανοίξεις... για να σου πουν και κάτι άλλο. Μια μύτη στέκεται περήφανη εκεί και παίζει ίσως τον πιο σημαντικό ρόλο στο πρόσωπό σου. Παρ'όλα αυτά, εισπνέει μόνο τόσο όσο της πεις εσύ. Δοκίμασέ το. Πάρε μια βαθιά εισπνοή και βγάλε τον αέρα από το στόμα. Τώρα πάρε άλλη μια αλλά βγάλε τον αέρα από την μύτη αυτή τη φορά. Βλέπεις; Κάνει ό,τι της λες. Ένα στόμα. Δυο χείλη -μικρά, λεπτά, σφιγμένα, χαλαρά, σαρκώδη, μεγάλα- το φυλάζουν. Το προστατεύουν. Και εσένα σ'αρέσει αυτή η προστασία για αυτό πολλές φορές την στολίζεις...με κόκκινο, ροζ, ή μαύρο χρώμα ανάλογα τις διαθέσεις σου. Δυο μάγουλα. Πόσο το μισούσες όταν η θεία που έβλεπες μόνο στις γιορτές σου τα ζουλούσε. Πονούσες πολύ αλλά...το υπέμενες για το εικοσάρικο που θα σου 'δινε μετά. Ευχαριστώ, ...

New Life | Day 78

Hello, everyone! This is Lionder and I'm going to be keeping you company for the next 3 or 4 minutes that you'll be reading the text below. How are you? I hope you're doing just fine!It's been a long time since I last updated this lil' blog o'er here so today I'm going to be talking about a lot of things that have happened to me this period of my life.  First of all, I got into university!  What? Yes, it's true. I can't believe it though. This past year I've been studying so much. I've been studying 10-12 hours a day. Almost every day. Every week. Every month until the middle of June. It was an exhausting journey for me. And not only for me, but for everyone who was studying to get into university. I really need to give a SHOUTOUT to all the kids who literally studied their ass off to get into university this year. And I wish the best of luck for the 2000 generation who's going to give exams to get into university this year. I don...

Don't do it (suicide) | Day 75

Don't do it! You're worthy!  I would like to talk about something very serious today. I feel the need to talk to you about it, guys. Today's topic is very important. I'm going to talk about "Suicide". Life is strange, life is bad, life is unfair sometimes.  We all know it. It can be harsh; it can drag us down, make us feel powerless and leave us alone at times that all we need is a helping hand. But life is not always like that.  Life is a great place too. It's beautiful. Nature has made this life so interesting and such a wonderful place. You gotta love nature and all that it's given to you. Life is also full of great opportunities. It's full of people who are there to give you a helping hand and a hug and most importantly their love. This life is full of those people. You just might sometimes need to try and 'dig' a little harder to find them.  But if we want to be fully realistic, we have to admit that this life is also fu...

note to self | day 65

Hey, guys! How are you? I'm happy today and everyday.. If you wanna know.  Not because something happened.. but because I realise how many little big things I have in my life right now that I would not replace.. ever.  When I say "little-big things" I mean those few things that I have but are so important to me. There not just things. And even if they are a few, they are more than enough to keep me happy and thankful.  My family, my friends, the circumstances... everything that I've got right now is here for a reason and makes a wonderful difference in my life. It makes my life. Every little part of my life right now is the definition of happiness.  And poor people if you think that money, views and numbers are what happiness is all about, you need to change your mind and see clearer.  In 2013, I uploaded a greek cover of mine.. which caught a lot of people's attention. To be more specific, 9,233 people saw it. But all of those views (that were making t...

time goes by | Day 58

What's up. I'm writing this blog listening to hotel California by Eagles. That's my mood right now Sitting on my office chair in a position that I only can do and has been comfortable my whole life. No one ever understood if that's yoga -the way i sit- or I'm just an alien.  My father when he sees me sitting like this all I hear coming out of his mouth is "Sit like a human". He's kind of right though. I think I harm myself by sitting this way. But I feel cool with it. I don't think I'll stop it. And what do people mean by saying "like a human". Why a human has to sit a certain way? I don't think I bother anyone so just let me put my feet on the chair, push them against my chest and just feel comfortable the unique way that I do.  Sometimes I just think of time -of how fast time passes by.. Life goes by... Now, I'm writing on this blog but when you'll read it, I'll be done writing and all of the writing process is...

Lemonade & Sugar | Day 34

So, before we begin I would love to take this moment to congratulate KickBangerz for his new track! It's his first ever track to be uploaded on the web, he is not a professional music producer, but this piece of electronic music can drive you crazy! Listen to it here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8CcTuUUWnM Hello, it's me...I was wondering if after all those days you'd like to meet. Me, Fay (the girl with the guitar) and Maggie (the girl with the voice) participated in a singing contest of a TV channel in Greece! You can check out our original track and music video here  http://yourband.ert.gr/elemef-vgazoume-ftera/   and also vote for us 5/5 if you liked what you saw! It will help us a lot! When we found out about the contest, I wrote a song, we recorded it and then shot it in Heraklion. I can't wait for you to see it! So, things go great in life.   Every possible fear or obstacle is just in the mind. There is no reason to panic about little things or even...