Beach Hunting Game | Day 5

Well, hello everyone! So, Yesterday was THE BEST DAY OF THIS MONTH ! I cannot express how much happy I am with words! I participated on a Beach Hunting Game and it was really really fun! I loved it and I'd surely do it again! I would even do it tommorow, it was that fun! There were way more people in the game! I could take a panoramic picture. So, there were many teams. Each one of them had a different name etc. For example, there was a team named "Pefotismenoi Ihnilates" (weird name though), so they were all wearing purple t-shirts, they had their own logo and they had even brought with them a laptop so they could easily solve their puzzlers. And the truth is that this team I reffered to, wasn't the only one with those same 'features' . Another team, called "Loufa kai Paralagi", were wearing army clothes and they had even brought with them, a printer! Yes, a printer ! It was really cool to see everyone trying to solve the puzzlers and b...