Book Lovers Know | Day 53

Hello, everyone. How are you? I hope you're well! 3 BOOKS OF FABULOUSNESS (what's that title though) 2 days ago I received 3 books that I had ordered and the happiness was real. The books arrived, I opened up the package and saw them in and the feeling of unpacking a box, which's inside, you know, is going to be great, is actually amazing. So, as I was unpacking it I would be the happiest person in the world. The books are written by Philip Pullman and are part of his trilogy "His Dark Materials". They are "Northern Lights, The Subtle knife and the Amber Spyglass. I've got now all of them. First day of owning the books, I read 90 pages of the first book of the trilogy. Yesterday, I read 20 pages and so far it's absolutely wonderful. Now, I have 364 pages left to finish the Northern Lights. I'm so glad!!!! Book Lovers Know I've been reading some books lately which I'm a big fan of. And I am a book lover. The world of a book can ...