Book Lovers Know | Day 53
Hello, everyone. How are you? I hope you're well!
3 BOOKS OF FABULOUSNESS (what's that title though)
2 days ago I received 3 books that I had ordered and the happiness was real. The books arrived, I opened up the package and saw them in and the feeling of unpacking a box, which's inside, you know, is going to be great, is actually amazing. So, as I was unpacking it I would be the happiest person in the world. The books are written by Philip Pullman and are part of his trilogy "His Dark Materials". They are "Northern Lights, The Subtle knife and the Amber Spyglass. I've got now all of them.
First day of owning the books, I read 90 pages of the first book of the trilogy. Yesterday, I read 20 pages and so far it's absolutely wonderful. Now, I have 364 pages left to finish the Northern Lights. I'm so glad!!!!
Book Lovers Know
I've been reading some books lately which I'm a big fan of. And I am a book lover. The world of a book can drive you to some wonderful places that you haven't ever traveled too. Every time I read a book, I can be inside the pages and live every word. I travel back in time, in the future, in places I've never been before, get to learn knowledge I have never witnessed before, learn new stories, get in trouble, win a battle, fly in the sky, talk to aliens, live another life. And I don't know if this is how drugs feel like, as I have heard of, but, there's nothing that can travel you anywhere you want except your fantasy and the books that you read. Book lovers know...
My ideal paradise.
I may have tweeted about it (in case you didn't know, I have a twitter account. CLICK HERE to follow me there). My ideal paradise. What could you think of as my ideal paradise? A Hawaiian Beach or a trip to the mountains of Everest? An exploration in Amazon or a sip of Japan's SAKE under the beautiful cherry trees? Bungee Jumping off the highest cliff in the world? (actually, no. I would never do that. Never. Ever. Ever).
My ideal paradise is not what I mentioned before. I would love to do all of those things one day, except the last one, but they're not actually my ideal heaven. My ideal paradise is... (drum roll) a calm beach and a book (and friends).
I don't care if that beach is in Hawaii or in anywhere in the world, (I do have a preference in Greece though) but all I need is a calm beach and a book to read under the umbrella that covers you from the hot hot sun. This is my ideal paradise. I love to travel with my imagination next to the sea, hearing the melodic sound of the waves and having no worries, or bad thoughts, or stress. The ideal summer holidays. A book is your best friend those times.
Now, my ideal paradise is that but I can't just go to a beach, take a book and start reading all alone. (That was why I put a parenthesis next to the "a calm beach and a book). That picture that I call paradise would be a conclusion of a camping day with my friends. NOW, THAT'S PARADISE. Going for camping in a calm beach with your best friends, having fun all day and when the sun sets, you take your book and have the time of your life. That's my ideal paradise.
I do write books too.
I've been writing a book since I was a little kid. I wrote that book back then but some years ago, I started rewriting it with more adventures, more details, more things to be included and, of course, I haven't finished it yet. It's a fantasy book, let's say.
This year I've started writing 2 other books. The first one, I started writing some months ago and the second some days ago. They're both books of an ordinary reality but with events that don't happen to just ordinary people.
I won't say anything about my books until I finally announce to publish them but I love to make you wonder what those books are going to be about and when are they going to be published and stuff like that. Surprises are what I love the most!
That's all for today. I wanted this days' blog post to be about books and so I did. Make sure to follow me on all of my social accounts. The links are down below. I love you so much and thank you for everything.

Also, we reached 50.000 views on my youtube videos combined and 400 subscribers. Thank you so much. It means the world to me knowing that you guys are supportive and loving. Thank you for everything that you have given me. I'm the happiest man in the world!
Today's quote is: A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies -George R. R. Martin
Peace, Lionder
3 BOOKS OF FABULOUSNESS (what's that title though)

First day of owning the books, I read 90 pages of the first book of the trilogy. Yesterday, I read 20 pages and so far it's absolutely wonderful. Now, I have 364 pages left to finish the Northern Lights. I'm so glad!!!!
Book Lovers Know
I've been reading some books lately which I'm a big fan of. And I am a book lover. The world of a book can drive you to some wonderful places that you haven't ever traveled too. Every time I read a book, I can be inside the pages and live every word. I travel back in time, in the future, in places I've never been before, get to learn knowledge I have never witnessed before, learn new stories, get in trouble, win a battle, fly in the sky, talk to aliens, live another life. And I don't know if this is how drugs feel like, as I have heard of, but, there's nothing that can travel you anywhere you want except your fantasy and the books that you read. Book lovers know...
My ideal paradise.
I may have tweeted about it (in case you didn't know, I have a twitter account. CLICK HERE to follow me there). My ideal paradise. What could you think of as my ideal paradise? A Hawaiian Beach or a trip to the mountains of Everest? An exploration in Amazon or a sip of Japan's SAKE under the beautiful cherry trees? Bungee Jumping off the highest cliff in the world? (actually, no. I would never do that. Never. Ever. Ever).
My ideal paradise is not what I mentioned before. I would love to do all of those things one day, except the last one, but they're not actually my ideal heaven. My ideal paradise is... (drum roll) a calm beach and a book (and friends).
I don't care if that beach is in Hawaii or in anywhere in the world, (I do have a preference in Greece though) but all I need is a calm beach and a book to read under the umbrella that covers you from the hot hot sun. This is my ideal paradise. I love to travel with my imagination next to the sea, hearing the melodic sound of the waves and having no worries, or bad thoughts, or stress. The ideal summer holidays. A book is your best friend those times.
Now, my ideal paradise is that but I can't just go to a beach, take a book and start reading all alone. (That was why I put a parenthesis next to the "a calm beach and a book). That picture that I call paradise would be a conclusion of a camping day with my friends. NOW, THAT'S PARADISE. Going for camping in a calm beach with your best friends, having fun all day and when the sun sets, you take your book and have the time of your life. That's my ideal paradise.
I do write books too.
I've been writing a book since I was a little kid. I wrote that book back then but some years ago, I started rewriting it with more adventures, more details, more things to be included and, of course, I haven't finished it yet. It's a fantasy book, let's say.
This year I've started writing 2 other books. The first one, I started writing some months ago and the second some days ago. They're both books of an ordinary reality but with events that don't happen to just ordinary people.
I won't say anything about my books until I finally announce to publish them but I love to make you wonder what those books are going to be about and when are they going to be published and stuff like that. Surprises are what I love the most!
That's all for today. I wanted this days' blog post to be about books and so I did. Make sure to follow me on all of my social accounts. The links are down below. I love you so much and thank you for everything.

Also, we reached 50.000 views on my youtube videos combined and 400 subscribers. Thank you so much. It means the world to me knowing that you guys are supportive and loving. Thank you for everything that you have given me. I'm the happiest man in the world!
Today's quote is: A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies -George R. R. Martin
Peace, Lionder
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