9 Days Of Joy (Camping) | Days 9-18

Hello, everyone! It's so great to see you again, here in our secret place! I went on camping and I had the best summer period of this year! 9 days full of joy! Maybe, not all days but most of the days were full of happiness and freedom. I have captured the hottest moments in my phone and now to my blog! Have fun! Day 1 Today, is a little bit awkward. I mean, I know almost nobody and I feel like I have came in a place that is a little bit unknown for me. But it went great! I met a few people and I created a good friendship with the guys in my tend. My friend, Eleni, guided me and I can say that I loved this place. People seem to be really nice! Day 2 Let me describe you the daily schedule . There are 3 different teams. Everyday the camping leader shout "The first team shall go to the restaurant" or "the 2nd team shall go to the team meeting place". The 3rd team is a group full of people who have social problems like syndromes etc. Here...