Sleepwalking | Day 23

Hey, everybody. If you're new, my name is Leander and I am here to share with you some stuff. :) I love nature. Just buy me a ticket to this place and I'll be forever thankful! Nature is something that really makes my day. The sun, the sky, the trees, the birds, the green...everything. Okay, i don't like insects because they're annoying and disgusting but everything else is beautiful! I love to wake up in the morning in a sunny hot day...Plus I love going to the sea and have fun. I like all 4 seasons but my favourite ones are Spring and Summer. Just because I can enjoy the beauty of nature. When I feel sad I think about what makes me happy and nature is definitely one of those things that make my day. I love it! I've been sleepwalking... There is this new song that I really love! It's called BURNING HOUSE by Cam and it's incredible. It's just another love song accompanied by a guitar and other relaxing instruments but I love it! It's m...