happening right now | Day 56

Hey, guys. How are you? I hope you're super well. I'm writing in this blog from an internet cafe-kinda place while trying to render my new project-music video for my new song BROOKLYN. And yes, there is a new song coming out TODAY. Isn't that exciting news? I've worked so hard for it and I just can't wait to see it online and hear what you guys think of it. There is a strange but totally understable bond that we, creators, feel with our creations. Everytime i make a video, I just feel the same way I would feel with my child. It's just the same way. I'm stressed, wanting everything to go as planned and okay, I need no errors and procrastinations. I don't want to lose my projects and I wish the best for them. Just the way I'd feel for my child. For example, now I was in the middle of saving my project for my new video and the system -ish shut down! So, I lost the process. And I have to do everything again. Not edit the video because thank g...