It's over! | Day 22

Hello, everyone! Today is a really windy day here in Heraklion. I don't really like winter. Well, I like winter but not that much! I prefer Summer! I love to go to the beach and have fun! I love the sun and I also love it when it's hot outside! When it's winter, you have to wear warmer clothes and sometimes get ill really easily. I hate that! But what I love about winter is, that Christmas night, in which I will be under my blanket in front of my fire-place watching TV and enjoying a cup of hot chocolate. That's #goals! "Still Loving You" went great! I will upload more photos soon! In the previous blog entry of mine, I invited you to the Karate Karaiskakis Annual Demonstration in which I would not only participate as a karate athlete but I would also sing a Scorpions' masterpiece. Well, it went great! People congratulated me for that performance and I received a lot of positive comments. It was literally the best performance I have ever done...