Hello, It's Lionder | Day 24

If you already know me, then you know that I changed my name today! My new name is Lionder. Do you like it? I love it! Who is Lionder? I'd like to begin by telling that I was thinking about changing my stage name more than anything, these months! Leander Dreamer is a nice name but I wanted something more mature. So, after a lot of thinking, I decided to call myself "Lionder'. I asked too many people's opinion/advice and the final result is this. I want a name in which I can feel confident! And that is Lionder! It's exactly what fits me better! However, Leander Dreamer is not completely over. I wrote in facebook page that "LD is over" but no... Leander Dreamer is still alive in this blog. This blog is headed by Leander Dreamer and no one can change that! :D This is his business! Lionder is not really blogging! So, when you read stuff on this blog, remember that it's from Leander Dreamer and not Lionder! Yes, me! Hey, you! And let's go back to...