Books, Series, Spanish etc | Day 83

Hello, everyone. My name is Lionder and today I decided to talk to you about some random stuff. Whatever comes to my mind just so you can get to know me a lil' better! Here we go. I'm not into reading this period. So, I finally figured it out yesterday. I'm not that into reading books this period of my life. I feel tired and I'm not in the mood to get lost in a book. I feel like I want to do lighter things such as watching a series. You know. That I ain't got no problem with. But every time I'm like "I have to read a book", I always decide not to. I'm not in the mood this period of do get too passionate about them. But I guess we all go through stuff and now it's not time for me to dedicate myself to reading a book. my life. And this comes as a contrary because I'm one of those people who do love to read books and Did I talk about series? Becauseee... I've started watching a pretty good series. It's called "How to get ...