Books, Series, Spanish etc | Day 83
Hello, everyone. My name is Lionder and today I decided to talk to you about some random stuff. Whatever comes to my mind just so you can get to know me a lil' better!
Here we go.
I'm not into reading this period.
So, I finally figured it out yesterday. I'm not that into reading books this period of my life. I feel tired and I'm not in the mood to get lost in a book. I feel like I want to do lighter things such as watching a series. You know. That I ain't got no problem with. But every time I'm like "I have to read a book", I always decide not to. I'm not in the mood this period of do get too passionate about them. But I guess we all go through stuff and now it's not time for me to dedicate myself to reading a book.
my life. And this comes as a contrary because I'm one of those people who do love to read books and
Did I talk about series? Becauseee...
I've started watching a pretty good series. It's called "How to get away with murder". A friend of mine suggested it and I've watched a lot of episodes and I can say that it's damn good. it's freaking mindblowing and it's full of plot twists which I LOVE. Oh, god, how much I LOVE plot twists. It's just so damn satisfying when plot twists happen because I don't want to to get bored and kind of predict the ending of a movie or a series or a book. I like it when the story surprises me.
Recently I finished watching 'WESTWORLD'. It's a sci-fi series about a thematic park full of human-like robots that represent a certain age. It was pretty interesting and I kind of felt like I couldn't stop watching it at some point. It really had some plot twists, I couldn't expect what was coming after a bunch of episodes. I'd honestly suggest you guys watch both Westworld and How to get away with murder. To me, how to get away with murder is much more my type. I love it. I've been obsessed with it these past few days. Two days ago, I watched 7 episodes in a day. I'm talking about an obsession here, real talk haha.
I feel like I need to decorate my room.
My bedroom is all fine and everything but something is missing and that is my personal touch. I bought some vinyl records (fake ones) to decorate a wall and I've also thought of getting pictures printed in order to stick them on another side of the walls. It's going to be pictures of people that have inspired and influenced me. Singers mostly. And I've thought of creating my own visionboard. What is that? A visionboard is a board to which you stick pictures or you write things -things that portray your biggest goals, what you want to achieve in your life. I took the idea from Superwoman, aka Lilly Singh -she's one of my favorite YouTubers- and I've been thinking of doing this but I've never really done it. So, I guess, I should just go on and do it. It's nice to get some motivation to help start the day and end it with good vibes too. I'm going to place it in a place where I can see it every day and so I can get inspired.
I would really like to learn a new language.
I know, I have tried that out in the past but it has never worked out. But I think I know the reason. The reason why this never works out is that I haven't really tried to learn a language by going to a language center/school. I've been trying to do this myself. But it's hard, it's boring and it just can't help me. I've tried to learn Japanese in the past, Italian and Spanish and look at me now, having learned none of the languages I just mentioned. I'm not really in the mood to learn a new language now but I know that it's going to help me a lot. Because firstly, it's helpful in business. If you want to work somewhere and you tell the boss that you speak 2 foreign languages, you might as well be working the next day. But I'm not only talking about this case when I talk about business. I'm talking about music too. There are so many -so so many- Spanish successful songs in the music industry with DESPACITO being one the greatest. The Spanish language is really thriving in the music industry and it would really open me some doors if I know how to speak Spanish. I'm not thinking of releasing any Spanish music, I've only been dedicated to English, but who knows? Inspiration comes if you have the knowledge! If I can speak in Spanish, then I might as well be inspired and write a couple of songs in that language. Also, apart from that factor, knowing another language really helps to get to know a different culture. a different world. And be a part of new experiences which I'm all about. I really want to get out of this bubble -my bubble- and explore this world and its various cultures, people. I wish I'm willing to learn a new language in the near future because right now I'm freaking tired. haha.
So, that was all. That was me talking about random stuff because I've got free time and nothing else to do!
Do you want me to talk about anything else? Post your comment below if there is anything you would like me to talk about in the upcoming blog post.
Thank you so much for being here once again.
Here's the quote of the day! Take a simple idea and take it seriously! - Charlie Munger
Peace, Lionder
Here we go.
I'm not into reading this period.

my life. And this comes as a contrary because I'm one of those people who do love to read books and
Did I talk about series? Becauseee...
I've started watching a pretty good series. It's called "How to get away with murder". A friend of mine suggested it and I've watched a lot of episodes and I can say that it's damn good. it's freaking mindblowing and it's full of plot twists which I LOVE. Oh, god, how much I LOVE plot twists. It's just so damn satisfying when plot twists happen because I don't want to to get bored and kind of predict the ending of a movie or a series or a book. I like it when the story surprises me.
Recently I finished watching 'WESTWORLD'. It's a sci-fi series about a thematic park full of human-like robots that represent a certain age. It was pretty interesting and I kind of felt like I couldn't stop watching it at some point. It really had some plot twists, I couldn't expect what was coming after a bunch of episodes. I'd honestly suggest you guys watch both Westworld and How to get away with murder. To me, how to get away with murder is much more my type. I love it. I've been obsessed with it these past few days. Two days ago, I watched 7 episodes in a day. I'm talking about an obsession here, real talk haha.
I feel like I need to decorate my room.
My bedroom is all fine and everything but something is missing and that is my personal touch. I bought some vinyl records (fake ones) to decorate a wall and I've also thought of getting pictures printed in order to stick them on another side of the walls. It's going to be pictures of people that have inspired and influenced me. Singers mostly. And I've thought of creating my own visionboard. What is that? A visionboard is a board to which you stick pictures or you write things -things that portray your biggest goals, what you want to achieve in your life. I took the idea from Superwoman, aka Lilly Singh -she's one of my favorite YouTubers- and I've been thinking of doing this but I've never really done it. So, I guess, I should just go on and do it. It's nice to get some motivation to help start the day and end it with good vibes too. I'm going to place it in a place where I can see it every day and so I can get inspired.
I would really like to learn a new language.

So, that was all. That was me talking about random stuff because I've got free time and nothing else to do!
Do you want me to talk about anything else? Post your comment below if there is anything you would like me to talk about in the upcoming blog post.
Thank you so much for being here once again.
Here's the quote of the day! Take a simple idea and take it seriously! - Charlie Munger
Peace, Lionder
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