I speak Italian! | Day 1

Buongiorno or Buonasera or Buonanotte! (It depends on what time is it in your country). This is me speaking Italian ! Okay, I just started learning Italian and I can say it is an interesting language! I just finished the first Italian lesson! Guess what! I do it on my on! How? YouTube is always there when I need it! (Special Thanks to the people who created this amazing invention). I mean, I don't have to go to an Italian School and pay to learn this language. I can do the whole process in my home, for free! Basically, it's not actually free because when I was younger (4 years ago) I bought a Linguaphone Collection so I could learn Italian. It wasn't that expensive though! When I bought it, I started learning some things but I stopped because it's not that easy for you to study a new language without a teacher. Plus I had a lot of things on my mind (such as school blah blah blah).But now, I DECIDED to finally learn this language because in my point of view, speaking t...