Big Waves | Day 2

Hello, people! How are you? Oh Good. I'm fine too, thanks! So, today was a good day. We went to the beach again and we had so much fun! The weather was really windy and the waves were so big! Really big! So, me and a friend of mine thought that it would be a great idea to have some fun with the waves ! *Playing with the waves is really tiring. I got really exhausted!* My feet still hurt! Check out some cool photos of the sea in my instagram account and don't forget to follow me! It will bring a big smile in my face! :D Then, I did Karate and I can say it was so good! Doing karate is fun! It needs dedication, loyalty and power! I do Karate for 11 years! Yes, 11 years! In October I took the first place on the Worldwide Shito Ryu Shukokai Karate Do "Yamada Cup" 2014, in my category and I feel so proud of myself! It's good to have a hobbie. Everyone should have a hobbie. You spend time with creativity instead of stay...