time goes by | Day 58

What's up. I'm writing this blog listening to hotel California by Eagles. That's my mood right now Sitting on my office chair in a position that I only can do and has been comfortable my whole life. No one ever understood if that's yoga -the way i sit- or I'm just an alien. My father when he sees me sitting like this all I hear coming out of his mouth is "Sit like a human". He's kind of right though. I think I harm myself by sitting this way. But I feel cool with it. I don't think I'll stop it. And what do people mean by saying "like a human". Why a human has to sit a certain way? I don't think I bother anyone so just let me put my feet on the chair, push them against my chest and just feel comfortable the unique way that I do. Sometimes I just think of time -of how fast time passes by.. Life goes by... Now, I'm writing on this blog but when you'll read it, I'll be done writing and all of the writing process is...