time goes by | Day 58

What's up.
I'm writing this blog listening to hotel California by Eagles. That's my mood right now
Sitting on my office chair in a position that I only can do and has been comfortable my whole life. No one ever understood if that's yoga -the way i sit- or I'm just an alien. 
My father when he sees me sitting like this all I hear coming out of his mouth is "Sit like a human". He's kind of right though. I think I harm myself by sitting this way. But I feel cool with it. I don't think I'll stop it. And what do people mean by saying "like a human". Why a human has to sit a certain way? I don't think I bother anyone so just let me put my feet on the chair, push them against my chest and just feel comfortable the unique way that I do. 

Sometimes I just think of time -of how fast time passes by.. Life goes by... Now, I'm writing on this blog but when you'll read it, I'll be done writing and all of the writing process is going to belong in the past. Even now, the first paragraph of this blog post belongs to the past. And the past few sentences too. It's weird. 
   I want to appreciate everything. Every little bit of this damn life. But hectic days are never over and you're so used to them that you just can't live without them. 
   The summer that just passed, I went on vacation for 10 days. After the first 5 days, I wanted to go home and work. And come back to the hectic pace of my life. Because I'm so used to it. I love doing stuff, going from the one place to the other. Making videos, spending time learning by watching videos on YouTube or even learning new tricks on video editing softwares. My parents are not home all day. Neither am I. Hectic life controls us. And we love it. But we always complain about how much we want vacation. Isn't it an irony?

Music changed: Now listening to Wind of Change by Scorpions. Oh their music is immortal. Their music is legendary and that's what makes it  stay through the years. It's catchy, meaningful and wonderful. What we need in music. 
If I could just log in YouTube someday and listen to some real -authentic- legendary music -music that used to come out in the past- oh I'd be happier than ever. If I woke up someday and knew that the world doesn't need to dance to the rhythm of TWERKING songs that are making their singers money-machines. I want the world to appreciate the music that is not that famous, the music that you don't hear everyday on the radio. 
I really need those artists that are not as famous as they deserve to get to the top and change music forever. Make it great again (oh that phrase was relatable with the current news).

And let's talk about that. I don't like politics, I don't care about them. Each time I hear someone complain about the political-economical situation in the country, I just wish they could stop this ish and make their life a little bit more beautiful.. 
but how?...
by focusing on the good stuff of life, by making this world a better place, by becoming a better person. That's how. Simple as that. 

There are ways to be a better person: be kind, say "thank you", smile to everyone, don't make the little things disable you from living a good life, work hard, respect nature and animals. And that's a few of the things that you can do. There are so many more. 

I really had no clue when I decided to write this post but as it turned out, I wrote something...haha
Thank you so much for reading this. Take care

Quote of the day: "It's all about the calm in the chaos" - Donna Karan

Peace, Lionder


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