13 Reasons Why, Pretty Little Liars | Day 73

Hello, guys.. It's been so many days since I last updated you... Now, I'm listening to Suspicion by the amazing LP.. I heard this song yesterday on the radio and it has such a great and fresh sound combined with the great classic LP style... Is it summer? Well, now, I feel like it is. I'm not 100 percent sure but at least I think so. No worries in my mind, no more homework, no more exams, no more crap. I feel like I am finally breathing some air, if you know what I mean. I feel the need to just rest and not give a damn about anything. However, there are some upcoming shows for which I have to think about but at least I'm not gonna spend my whole day studying ancient Greek and Latin or history. God, I'm no more a slave of those bitches. And don't get me wrong, I love Ancient Greek BUT right now, at this particular moment of my life, I'm so SICK OF 'EM. sick, sick, sick. How are my days? I sleep late. I hate it. But I can't control it. Today I s...