New Life | Day 78
Hello, everyone! This is Lionder and I'm going to be keeping you company for the next 3 or 4 minutes that you'll be reading the text below. How are you? I hope you're doing just fine!It's been a long time since I last updated this lil' blog o'er here so today I'm going to be talking about a lot of things that have happened to me this period of my life.
First of all, I got into university!
What? Yes, it's true. I can't believe it though. This past year I've been studying so much. I've been studying 10-12 hours a day. Almost every day. Every week. Every month until the middle of June. It was an exhausting journey for me. And not only for me, but for everyone who was studying to get into university. I really need to give a SHOUTOUT to all the kids who literally studied their ass off to get into university this year. And I wish the best of luck for the 2000 generation who's going to give exams to get into university this year. I don't know how people apply for university in other countries -I've heard that in some countries you just give an interview and that's it- but in freaking Greece you have to get through a process called "Panellinies" (Pan-Greek (exams)) to get into freaking university. And oh. The exams are not easy. At all. I literally meant what I said before that I've been studying for 10-12 hours a day. It was a long and tiring journey and I'm happy it's over. It's finally over. Best of luck to kids who study for this year's exams.
Second of all, I went on vacation.
What? Yes, it's true. Don't ask me why I used the same way as I did before to start this paragraph too. I just thought it was funny. Well, I went on vacation and I had the time of my life. It was exactly what I needed to start this new chapter of my life. It was 18 days of relaxation. At first, I thought I wouldn't even survive 5 days without Internet and my piano and literally my home. But I did. I had a wifi connection sometimes, not that often though. But I didn't need it. You know what I mean? Logging into internet while you're on vacation, believe me, that is literally taking you back to reality. That's not vacation. Every time I logged into facebook, I felt like I was back in the hectic rhythm of my life, back in my hometown. And I didn't like that feeling. I just wanted to get out of my ordinary life and just go away. Vanish. That's what I needed. So, I didn't use facebook that much. Almost at all. I only used instagram to post a picture or so, and YouTube to listen to music sometimes, But I'd say, I was happy without all of that. You don't need internet connection. I mean, in my daily life, yes, I do need it. Because I work on the internet. But vacation means relaxation. Relaxation means no internet. 'Cause internet just has a magic way to get you back into your hectic reality when you're on vacation. And that's the last thing I want in my vacation. Anyway, it was amazing this year. Nature inspires me in an amazing way. While I was on my vacation, I wrote a lot on my new book. It was very inspiring to wake up every morning, go to the beach, eat lunch, then again go to the beach, and just spend every moment on the beach. With the summer breeze and the sound of the waves and the leafs while they bump on each other. Oh, I can't wait until next year.
Third of all, I haven't believed it yet that I'm out of my house and off to my adulthood.
It's just surreal. I'm finally in the beginning of my life. My real life. I've left everything and everyone behind. It feels nostalgic to think about it but I'm finally free to find myself. To find who I really am. To live like an adult. Live on my own. Do things on my own and not under the protection of my loving parents. That, I'm going to miss. But feeling like an adult, independent and free, is priceless. It's one of the best feelings ever. It's like when you ride your bike around the city and feel the breeze all over your body. That is called "Freedom". Independence. Self-reliance. And I'm so so ready for it. I've been studying my ass off this past year that is almost impossible to realize that I'm living in another city. Far away from my hometown. Going to university, walking around Athens on my own, like an adult. Oh, it's amazing.
Family, friends.
That's what I'll miss the most. My friends and my family. Especially my family. I wouldn't be who I am without my family. My father, my mother, sister and brother, have all impacted in my life in the greatest way. And I wouldn't change even a bit of them. I love them just the way they are. Exactly as they are. Their personalities are flawless. I love them with all of my heart.
My friends are great too. Some of them are just engraved in my heart, forever.
Some days ago it was my birthday and I literally had the best time. It was the best birthday of my life 'till date. All of the people I love the most were there. And I just feel so thankful of that night. It filled me with so much energy and love and positivity. And confidence to start my new journey. To start writing the next chapters of my life. I don't know what I've done to deserve that much love that people give me. I've literally done nothing at all. I wish everyone was treated the same way. With so much love. I wish every kid in this world received the amount of love that I do. It's unfair to even think of receiving that much love and knowing that some kids don't even have the half of it. But you know what? Love is free and it doesn't have a price. So, just spread it, folks. Spread LOVE.Preach Love. Let's make this world a brighter place and a safer place to live. Let's LOVE each other.
First day of university, first day of adulthood.
Yesterday, I literally felt like an adult. I took the transportation on my own and walked in a city so unknown to me. I was self-reliant. It just gave me so much confidence. And university was great too. On our first day, on our first class, the teacher talked to us about English Fiction. (By the way, I'm in the university of English Language and Literature). It was very interesting. Well, it was so new to me and there were a lot of things that I didn't totally understood 'cause we're talking about a new world that I've never explored before. But it was quite interesting and I can't wait to explore it.University is a huge experience. It teaches you so much.
That's all for today!
Quote of the day: Take every chance. Drop every fear.
Thank you so much for reading this. Find me on Youtube, I've been pretty active lately.
Click the link here:
Peace, Lionder
First of all, I got into university!
What? Yes, it's true. I can't believe it though. This past year I've been studying so much. I've been studying 10-12 hours a day. Almost every day. Every week. Every month until the middle of June. It was an exhausting journey for me. And not only for me, but for everyone who was studying to get into university. I really need to give a SHOUTOUT to all the kids who literally studied their ass off to get into university this year. And I wish the best of luck for the 2000 generation who's going to give exams to get into university this year. I don't know how people apply for university in other countries -I've heard that in some countries you just give an interview and that's it- but in freaking Greece you have to get through a process called "Panellinies" (Pan-Greek (exams)) to get into freaking university. And oh. The exams are not easy. At all. I literally meant what I said before that I've been studying for 10-12 hours a day. It was a long and tiring journey and I'm happy it's over. It's finally over. Best of luck to kids who study for this year's exams.
Second of all, I went on vacation.

Third of all, I haven't believed it yet that I'm out of my house and off to my adulthood.
It's just surreal. I'm finally in the beginning of my life. My real life. I've left everything and everyone behind. It feels nostalgic to think about it but I'm finally free to find myself. To find who I really am. To live like an adult. Live on my own. Do things on my own and not under the protection of my loving parents. That, I'm going to miss. But feeling like an adult, independent and free, is priceless. It's one of the best feelings ever. It's like when you ride your bike around the city and feel the breeze all over your body. That is called "Freedom". Independence. Self-reliance. And I'm so so ready for it. I've been studying my ass off this past year that is almost impossible to realize that I'm living in another city. Far away from my hometown. Going to university, walking around Athens on my own, like an adult. Oh, it's amazing.
Family, friends.
That's what I'll miss the most. My friends and my family. Especially my family. I wouldn't be who I am without my family. My father, my mother, sister and brother, have all impacted in my life in the greatest way. And I wouldn't change even a bit of them. I love them just the way they are. Exactly as they are. Their personalities are flawless. I love them with all of my heart.
My friends are great too. Some of them are just engraved in my heart, forever.
Some days ago it was my birthday and I literally had the best time. It was the best birthday of my life 'till date. All of the people I love the most were there. And I just feel so thankful of that night. It filled me with so much energy and love and positivity. And confidence to start my new journey. To start writing the next chapters of my life. I don't know what I've done to deserve that much love that people give me. I've literally done nothing at all. I wish everyone was treated the same way. With so much love. I wish every kid in this world received the amount of love that I do. It's unfair to even think of receiving that much love and knowing that some kids don't even have the half of it. But you know what? Love is free and it doesn't have a price. So, just spread it, folks. Spread LOVE.Preach Love. Let's make this world a brighter place and a safer place to live. Let's LOVE each other.
First day of university, first day of adulthood.
Yesterday, I literally felt like an adult. I took the transportation on my own and walked in a city so unknown to me. I was self-reliant. It just gave me so much confidence. And university was great too. On our first day, on our first class, the teacher talked to us about English Fiction. (By the way, I'm in the university of English Language and Literature). It was very interesting. Well, it was so new to me and there were a lot of things that I didn't totally understood 'cause we're talking about a new world that I've never explored before. But it was quite interesting and I can't wait to explore it.University is a huge experience. It teaches you so much.
That's all for today!
Quote of the day: Take every chance. Drop every fear.
Thank you so much for reading this. Find me on Youtube, I've been pretty active lately.
Click the link here:
Peace, Lionder
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