Don't do it (suicide) | Day 75
Don't do it! You're worthy!
Life is strange, life is bad, life is unfair sometimes.
We all know it. It can be harsh; it can drag us down, make us feel powerless and leave us alone at times that all we need is a helping hand. But life is not always like that.
Life is a great place too. It's beautiful. Nature has made this life so interesting and such a wonderful place. You gotta love nature and all that it's given to you. Life is also full of great opportunities. It's full of people who are there to give you a helping hand and a hug and most importantly their love. This life is full of those people. You just might sometimes need to try and 'dig' a little harder to find them.
But if we want to be fully realistic, we have to admit that this life is also full of ignorant, mean and bad people who all they want to do is cause bad and pain and make you suffer. But guess what.
The GOOD always wins the bad.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. I am here for a reason. You are here for a reason. Everyone's here for a reason. Moreover, our lives are the way that they are for.... a reason! Your life might suck. Your life might be very bad. But that's just for a reason. And the reason is that you, my dear friend, are strong enough to face this life. That's why you've got it.
There are people who have everything. They've got the easiest life and they have whatever they want in their hands. They don't have to work for it, try to get these things, try and work hard and dream. They just have everything that they want. And their life is so great, isn't it?
But what's the point?
What's the point in life if everything is given to us without a price. Without a reason. What is the point in life if we just ask for something and have it waiting for us on our doormat a few minutes later. That's right, there's no point in such a life. Plus, there are so many types of people and those who have that easy life live this way because they would never have the strengh, the courage, the bravery to live life in another way, with difficulties and obstacles. But you, yes you, got what it takes to fight for your rights and fight for what you want. You got the guts to fall down and then get up again. Because this life was made just for you. All of those negative things that you have to face are not here for no reason. Instead, they are here to make you stronger, teach you things and make you a valuable and a great person.
Don't let yourself down. Don't give up. The best is yet to come. Don't you be afraid. Don't be shy.
Don't feel unworthy. You ARE worthy. You ARE important. You always have to give life a chance. And life will someday give you a chance to make everything right. You're going to be paid off at the end. Because you're worth it! Life might be hard, life might be so bad but you are made to play in this game. In this difficult, mind-blowing, dangerous game. And you're going to be the winner or the loser. Because this is your game, your life, no one else is playing. There are more than 7 billion people in this world and each and every one of them is playing their own game. But games are made for winners. And you've got to win this game. This game is your life, don't lose it. You won't have no other chance. Instead, make this the best you could make. Make this life awesome even at times that it just can't be awesome.
This life is going to give you what you need sooner or later. Don't give up on it. Don't suicide. Don't hurt yourself. You are important. You are worthy. You're irreplaceable. Love this life. Love yourself. It doesn't matter if it's tricky sometimes and disappointing, we like drama, don't we? Come on...
If you ever feel the need to talk to someone, you know where to find me. I don't have to know you to give you a helping hand. You are a human and I am too. And we may share the same experiences and our stories might be similar. And even if not, I am still here for you. Talk to me if you ever feel the need to. Don't hesitate to do so. We are here for each other.
Talk toy your friends, parents, people who surround. SPEAK UP! You're not alone.
Don't kill yourself. You are important. And if you feel like you're not important for the people who surround you, well, you should know that you are important for me!
Find me here... Let's talk:
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