No Pressure | NEW SONG | Day 82
Hello, everyone. My name is Lionder and today I'm going to be talking to you about my new song "No Pressure". I'm very excited that my new song is finally out! I've been working on this for quite a long time.
This song is about being pressured. Whether that is peer pressure or family pressure, or pressure from work or anything. It doesn't have a certain theme so everybody can relate to it. I started writing the song back in October. It's a song/video that took me nearly 5 months to create, direct, visualize etc.
I'm going to give you a detailed analysis of the music video.
First things first, I'd like to mention that visualizing the video was such. a hard. process. I was literally feeling uninspired. I couldn't think of an idea for the video. My mind was lost, confused and frustrated. I tried to dig and dig and dig a little deeper into my mind just to find an idea for the video but it was so hard. I asked my friends to help me with the video, tell me what they think of when they listen to the song, what's the first thing that comes to their mind, what's something that could really be a good idea for the video. My friends were really supportive and they immediately started producing ideas and giving me a lot of inspiration. But still all I had was some separate scenes with no cohesion between them and I couldn't find an order. Some days before the shooting, 5 or 6 days actually, the whole story just came to my mind.
I thought of me studying on a bed with a lot of photocopies all around me and then sleeping and then waking up again but figuring out that I'm late to university. Then, it came to my mind that I couldn't see the test clearly and I was feeling dizzy and seeing things that weren't on the paper, such as "You're not enough". Then everything stops.
I'm in an empty amphitheater. All alone with nobody around me. Everyone has vanished and it's just me in an empty room. I look at the blackboard and all I see is a "YOU" written with capital letters. I get up off my seat and I approach this strange sign. When I get close to it, masquerades appear out of nowhere and point their fingers at me (YOU). I'm trying to escape but I fail. They captivate me and they put me in another room. I'm sleeping and when I wake up I see them approaching me with a mask on their hands. Their goal? To make me one of them.
I get up, I'm trying to fight but I can't. I'm weak. I've lost my powers. my strength. I'm vulnerable and I'm ready to become one of them. I can't keep fighting back. They finally put the mask on me and then they dance around me casting a sort of a spell, their kind of ritual, with which they are bewitching me.
Then, I'm all alone again in an empty room. But as I look at the corner, there is a guitar. I get up, walk towards it, pick it up and play a chord. The spells break. Magic doesn't control me anymore. The power of music has saved me. The masquerades corrupt. I take off my mask and I am myself again. I am free now.
I wake up from this dream, this vision, and I'm laying on the grass. My friends approach me, lift me up, take me in their arms and we all walk away.
The last part focuses on the power of friendship. Love, kindness, and affection from other people.
This video focuses on two of the most important things in my life. Music and my family, friends. I can't do without these two. They are my oxygen, why I breathe. Sometimes, I may feel lonely, lost and pressured. But I know, I'm not alone.
This is the message of the video.I would love to thank my incredible friends for helping me out on this one. What I've learnt in my life is that TEAMWORK makes DREAMWORK and I am more than happy to have worked with my friends. It was an amazing experience, their creativity and their willingness to help me was just phenomenal. They made this video so fun to shoot and I'd love to say a big THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
These people are: Andriani K., Maria Tereza D., Melina M., Eleni K., Margiana G., Christina G., Paolinho A., Natalia M.
This song is about being pressured. Whether that is peer pressure or family pressure, or pressure from work or anything. It doesn't have a certain theme so everybody can relate to it. I started writing the song back in October. It's a song/video that took me nearly 5 months to create, direct, visualize etc.
I'm going to give you a detailed analysis of the music video.
First things first, I'd like to mention that visualizing the video was such. a hard. process. I was literally feeling uninspired. I couldn't think of an idea for the video. My mind was lost, confused and frustrated. I tried to dig and dig and dig a little deeper into my mind just to find an idea for the video but it was so hard. I asked my friends to help me with the video, tell me what they think of when they listen to the song, what's the first thing that comes to their mind, what's something that could really be a good idea for the video. My friends were really supportive and they immediately started producing ideas and giving me a lot of inspiration. But still all I had was some separate scenes with no cohesion between them and I couldn't find an order. Some days before the shooting, 5 or 6 days actually, the whole story just came to my mind.
I thought of me studying on a bed with a lot of photocopies all around me and then sleeping and then waking up again but figuring out that I'm late to university. Then, it came to my mind that I couldn't see the test clearly and I was feeling dizzy and seeing things that weren't on the paper, such as "You're not enough". Then everything stops.
I'm in an empty amphitheater. All alone with nobody around me. Everyone has vanished and it's just me in an empty room. I look at the blackboard and all I see is a "YOU" written with capital letters. I get up off my seat and I approach this strange sign. When I get close to it, masquerades appear out of nowhere and point their fingers at me (YOU). I'm trying to escape but I fail. They captivate me and they put me in another room. I'm sleeping and when I wake up I see them approaching me with a mask on their hands. Their goal? To make me one of them.
Then, I'm all alone again in an empty room. But as I look at the corner, there is a guitar. I get up, walk towards it, pick it up and play a chord. The spells break. Magic doesn't control me anymore. The power of music has saved me. The masquerades corrupt. I take off my mask and I am myself again. I am free now.
I wake up from this dream, this vision, and I'm laying on the grass. My friends approach me, lift me up, take me in their arms and we all walk away.
The last part focuses on the power of friendship. Love, kindness, and affection from other people.
This video focuses on two of the most important things in my life. Music and my family, friends. I can't do without these two. They are my oxygen, why I breathe. Sometimes, I may feel lonely, lost and pressured. But I know, I'm not alone.
This is the message of the video.I would love to thank my incredible friends for helping me out on this one. What I've learnt in my life is that TEAMWORK makes DREAMWORK and I am more than happy to have worked with my friends. It was an amazing experience, their creativity and their willingness to help me was just phenomenal. They made this video so fun to shoot and I'd love to say a big THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
These people are: Andriani K., Maria Tereza D., Melina M., Eleni K., Margiana G., Christina G., Paolinho A., Natalia M.
Be sure to subscribe for more songs.
I'm currently working on a new project. I'm very excited and I can't wait to share it with you.
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Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot to me.
Peace, Lionder
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