Panellinies. Final Exams. Thoughts | Day 72
I'm in the final way.
All of these hours studying for this goal, for a goal that means the world to me this moment of my life -getting to study in my favourite university- have made me crave this so much that it feels like the greatest deal of my life. And it is indeed a great deal to get into the university of your choice and being able to study something that you actually love. But is it worth it to put yourself in such a stress?
In case you didn't know I am just a week away from the "Panellinies" exams (the exams you have to pass to study in a university in Greece) and I don't know how to feel.
The whole process is kind of stressful, you feel exhausted, you don't get too much sleep, you have to get a lot of knowledge inside your brain and the whole situation is overwhelming. They purposely try to make you see this is the BIGGEST DEAL of your life. And it works!

They make it look like it's worth it. Because they created this situation. They want you to think that this is a part of the whole preparation and there's nothing to do rather than accepting the fact that you have to put yourself under a lot of stress for several months. You're not allowed to fall in love, to go for walks now and then, to hang out with your squad or just not study for a week because you just don't want to. You're obligated to not even think of all of the above and start studying your ass out.
There could be a better way to get into a university. This educational system could be so much better than what it is. It could be amazing. It could promote and spread creative-productive studying. Not that kind of studying which makes you have to dig more space inside your brain just to put more information in it. More and more information every day for a year or more. The educational system, in other words, sucks! It sucks bad!
I always wondered why the hell do ignorant people get to be the leaders, the ones who decide about the population of a country. There are so many ways that this country, politics-wise, education-wise, could be so much better. But no.. it's not.
There are two things that I can do. One: Write this blog post as a sign of protest and do nothing else rather studying every single day for this goal of mine, to get into my favourite university. Two: protest by not supporting this system and not trying to get into university. I can't do the second. Because a part of my future depends on it. Not all of it, but just a little part. But there are people out there for whom university IS their future.
PS. There is a THIRD thing I can do. Educate myself and change this damn system. But that's going to take me (us) a while. But some day, this bitch is going to change.
Note: The cohesion of the paragraphs is so screwed up so it can match my emotions :P
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