How to avoid anxiety | Day 42

Hello, everyone! 
I've got exciting news for you! 
1) My new music video is coming out tonight. 
(I'm not going to talk about that until then)
2) And the live shows were great!!

Yeah! Remember when I invited all of you to join our first live performances with Fay E. at the 1st Street Art Festival and the 2nd Music Festival? Well, it went great!
There were so many people who came and we had SO MUCH FUN.
It was literally one of the few times that I had fun while I was singing.
And no, don't take this the wrong way. 
What I mean to say is that all of the other times that I was singing in front of a crowd, I had anxiety and that wouldn't let me enjoy the show. I was always in an intense mode and It was never a very enjoyable moment. Of course, I always had fun but that fun would come afterwards. While I was singing, I wasn't able to relax and feel the moment. But the past 2 days of me singing live with Fay E. were amazing. They taught me alot. 

Anxiety is not my friend anymore.
I was relaxed, I had fun,  I enjoyed the whole performance. I was no nervous, there were positive vibes everywhere and it went great. 

Guys, you should not have anxiety or something like that. If you just take into consideration that it is not a big deal, you're going to be fine with it. 
The best ways to not have anxiety, according to my little experience, are: 
1) Be prepared
You have to do rehearsals, a lot of rehearsals. You should be confident and sure! You must not be unprepared on stage because that's a major factor that can make you freak out. Take any chance and do rehearsals. It's the most important thing for a show. 
2) Be confident.
You have to start not caring about people's opinion from now on. You have to look at yourself as a strong, wonderful person. Don't take anybody's bad comments seriously. Do your thing and do it the way you want. Be a badass!
3) Exercise is MAGIC!
Before any show, be sure to exercise physically and vocally. And if you're not a singer, be sure to exercise physically. Your body has to be fully awake before a show and your mind too. So, exercise and go get 'em. 
4) If you're on stage and still feel nervous, try to think of something funny. Don't fall in the trap of your bad and dark thoughts that only exist to underestimate you. Think of something that is able to cheer you up.
5) If they ask you, tell them No!
If they ask you the simple question: Are you nervous? Say No! Act like you are not nervous at all and you are confident! When you say "Yes, I am nervous" you emphasize on the problem and you boost its meaning. When you say "No, I am not. I've done it again" you just push it ashide! 
6) Say These Things: 
I am great.
It's going to be the best live ever.
Universe is with me.
I can do it! 

All of the above tips come from my little experience on stage and all work. It's true! 

Tonight my new music video will be on YouTube. 
I guess, I'll post on my blog about it tommorow but there is a meaning behind the whole video. Stay Tuned to watch it! Love!

That's all for today. Thank you so much for reading this. I hope I helped you with my tips. Try considering them next time you're about to sing in front of a crowd or experience any other circumstance that makes you feel nervous. 

Bye, bye xx

Peace, Lionder


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