
Πίσω στο σπίτι

Δεν ξέρω πως να το ξεκινήσω.  Μια βδομάδα πριν, μπήκα για πρώτη φορά στο σπίτι μου στην Αθήνα μετά από 2 μήνες απουσίας. Όλα γύρω μου φάνταζαν γνώριμα μα συνάμα και τόσο ξένα. Αυτή η περίεργη μυρωδιά κλεισούρας είχε κατακλύσει τον χώρο, οι κλειδαριές των παραθυρόφυλλων βαθιά ριζωμένες η μία στην άλλη κρατούσαν τον δροσερό αέρα απ' έξω. Τα άνοιξα. Σήκωσα το βαρύ παντζούρι, είχα ξεχάσει την δύναμη που πρέπει να καταβάλεις για να το σηκώσεις, και άνοιξα να μπει το φως του ήλιου, που λίγη ώρα νωρίτερα είχε αναδυθεί από την θάλασσα. Μαζί του και το πρωινό αεράκι, αυτό το σχεδόν ψυχρό αγέρι που όμως όταν αγγίζει τους πόρους του κορμιού σου, είναι σαν να σε κάνει μια ζεστή αγκαλιά.  Πάντα ένιωθα ασφάλεια στα χέρια αυτής της δροσούλας. Ειδικά, εκείνες τις νύχτες που γυρνούσα με το ποδήλατο στο σπίτι μου στο Ηράκλειο μετά από βόλτα με φίλους, και την άφηνα να με χτυπάει καθώς σκεφτόμουν όσα με προβλημάτιζαν. Καβαλώντας το ποδήλατο μου στους άδειους δρόμους έπαιζα τον ρόλο ενός κατα...

Books, Series, Spanish etc | Day 83

Hello, everyone. My name is Lionder and today I decided to talk to you about some random stuff. Whatever comes to my mind just so you can get to know me a lil' better! Here we go. I'm not into reading this period. So, I finally figured it out yesterday. I'm not that into reading books this period of my life. I feel tired and I'm not in the mood to get lost in a book. I feel like I want to do lighter things such as watching a series. You know. That I ain't got no problem with. But every time I'm like "I have to read a book", I always decide not to. I'm not in the mood this period of do get too passionate about them. But I guess we all go through stuff and now it's not time for me to dedicate myself to reading a book. my life. And this comes as a contrary because I'm one of those people who do love to read books and Did I talk about series? Becauseee... I've started watching a pretty good series. It's called "How to get ...

No Pressure | NEW SONG | Day 82

Hello, everyone. My name is Lionder and today I'm going to be talking to you about my new song "No Pressure" . I'm very excited that my new song is finally out! I've been working on this for quite a long time. This song is about being pressured. Whether that is peer pressure or family pressure, or pressure from work or anything. It doesn't have a certain theme so everybody can relate to it. I started writing the song back in October. It's a song/video that took me nearly 5 months to create, direct, visualize etc. I'm going to give you a detailed analysis of the music video.  First things first, I'd like to mention that visualizing the video was such. a hard. process. I was literally feeling uninspired. I couldn't think of an idea for the video. My mind was lost, confused and frustrated. I tried to dig and dig and dig a little deeper into my mind just to find an idea for the video but it was so hard. I asked my friends to help me with th...

New Year, New Me | Day 82

Happy new year, everybody! I'm so excited it's finally 2018. How are you feeling today? Well, let me tell you exactly how I'm feeling these first two days of this year. I'm feeling motivated. I feel like I want to develop strategies for this new year and just start doing things. But I'm not on my creative space right now so I can't really start.  I'm in Crete, my hometown, for the holidays.  I like my hometown but I love Athens a lot. I'm very excited that I moved to Athens. This city seems to be a great 'school' for me, if you know what I mean.  It has already taught me a lot of things and I'm pretty sure it's going to teach a lot more. But this year I want to make a difference. I want to do something different from everything else I've already done. I just want to keep on hustling more, working on my stuff, be more creative and just get to be a part of new experiences. I got this motivation inside me. I'm in...

Christmas Blue | NEW SONG | Day 81

Hello, everyone! My name is Lionder and today I have exciting news for you!  My new song is OUT!!!!!!  Yes, Yes, Yes.  I feel so grateful that it's done and now it's up on the web, available for you to listen to it and watch the video.  Let me just talk a little bit about my experience with Christmas Blue. The whole idea So one day I thought it would be great to release a Christmas song this year but not just another happy Christmas song to dance to and have fun. I had a very special purpose in my mind for this song. I wanted it to be about depression.  I didn't know anything about Christmas depression, I hadn't heard of it anywhere or maybe I didn't remember having heard of it in the past but when I thought to myself "Christmas Depression" it sounded right and logical. Then I started thinking about it and I concluded that it is a fact that people might feel depressed at Christmas. After that, I searched about it and I found out that it is a t...

Iron Maiden, Reality Shows etc | Day 80

Hello, everyone. So, today I thought it would be a great idea to just start talking about random stuff. It doesn't have to do with anything specific, just random stuff that come in my mind as I'm writing in this little little blog. My favorite social media site is maybe Instagram. I really like facebook though and it's pretty hard for me to choose one over the other. I like Instagram because it gives me a way to express myself though photographs and the art of picture. I have the ability to test my creativity and try new stuff with all the effects and the editing. I really spend a lot of time editing a picture before I post it. I try to adjust the colors, maybe put an absurd spin on it depending on my mood or the philosophy I think of when I edit it. But it surely puts me in a place of creativity and thought. I've never been so passionate about taking pictures before; only when I made an instagram account. But Facebook is a great way to connect with my friends and mo...

Tough week | Day 79

Hello, everyone. Tough Month and a really tough week This past month I've been dealing with a disease and I'm sick and tired of it. It's been 4 weeks since I started coughing and not feeling well and it hasn't stopped since then. The cold first convinces you that it's just going to be there for 3 days and you end up sneezing for a whole damn month. So, it first didn't bother me that much, then the 2nd week it was more intense, then it seemed like it was going away and then again it was like "hey, you, i ain't be leaving you for the next weeks so better bring the popcorn, put some movie on and get used to my presence". And that's what I'm trying to do. I didn't start taking medicine on the first days of my cold that may be the reason why I still have a cold. But now -these past two weeks- I'm taking some medicine because it was about time.   The worst part of the cold (which might turned into a flu but I'm not sure) was what...