#PrayForEveryNation | Day 25 | For Peace
Today, 10 days after the Paris tragedy, I am here to express my feelings about it. It's sad to live in a world where people die every single day due to war conditions. It's 2015 and I can't believe that there are people who are bombing countries and craving for wars. I don't like this way of thinking. If you have a problem with someone, something, or if you just want to spread a message in this world, you don't have to kill people. We all have dreams, aims, goals and a bright future waiting for us. No one should destroy that. No one should ever take away our life and control it. We are the ones who define our life and control it. No one should ever take a gun and just fire at innocent people. There are people who have families, they belong to them. You can't just kill them and/or make them suffer! It's inhumane. And no one deserves this kind of manipulation. I want to wake up every morning and feel glad that I;m awake in a peaceful world. But there are people who ruin that. We live in such a wonderful world. Let's try not to destroy it. Let's try not to destroy each other. I say #prayforparis #prayforsyria #pray for every single country in this world. Every nation needs respect. We are supposed to be civilised humans who ease our lives every day by inventing new creations and making this world a safer place for us to live. This is for our parents, our children, our pets, for everyone. I need to be free and happy and breathe with safety. No one has the right to kill. No one has the right to take away my safety. Why do people do that? How could they do that? It's illegal. It's not what we (humans) are supposed to do. We must have peace. So, if those murderers can't understand it, we should make a change. Be a change for humanity! Start from yourself! Be a better person, think maturely, make right decisions, don't hurt your friends, respect and forgive! This is how we can engrave PEACE in our lives. This is how we'll be able to breathe with safety.
"Imagine a place, where we could live in,
love each other, and safely breathing"
- FOR PEACE by Lionder
I wrote that song with so much sadness about humanity. Even though we create amazing things, we have different and unique cultures, we celebrate incredible celebrations, we invent spaceships and we can travel to the universe, we sometimes act really bad. We were made for a reason and that is not to destroy the earth.
"You see that girl, just lying in bed,
you the ground covered in red"
- FOR PEACE by Lionder
Children all around the world die every single moment. Children with dreams and aims. The ones that survive will always remember their friends dying in front of them. Is this how we can make a change? no.
"You see those stars, light years away,
what do they see?, our yesterday"
- FOR PEACE by Lionder
Our kind is full of wars. We fight and fight and fight. This is stupid and unfair! Let's stop that. Raise your voice! We have the freedom of speech. Why don't we use talking instead of fighting?
"I'm scared to walk, outside my door. I hear the bullets. Where's my mom?
Oh see I'm bleeding. Where is my future? I'll miss you father. Oh what a torture?"
It's so sad.
I know this blog entry is not happy. I know it. But we should all take into consideration what is going on nowadays and make a change!
"Imagine a place, where we could live in,
love each other, and safely breathing"
- FOR PEACE by Lionder
I wrote that song with so much sadness about humanity. Even though we create amazing things, we have different and unique cultures, we celebrate incredible celebrations, we invent spaceships and we can travel to the universe, we sometimes act really bad. We were made for a reason and that is not to destroy the earth.
"You see that girl, just lying in bed,
you the ground covered in red"
- FOR PEACE by Lionder
Children all around the world die every single moment. Children with dreams and aims. The ones that survive will always remember their friends dying in front of them. Is this how we can make a change? no.
"You see those stars, light years away,
what do they see?, our yesterday"
- FOR PEACE by Lionder

"I'm scared to walk, outside my door. I hear the bullets. Where's my mom?
Oh see I'm bleeding. Where is my future? I'll miss you father. Oh what a torture?"
It's so sad.
I know this blog entry is not happy. I know it. But we should all take into consideration what is going on nowadays and make a change!
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