The Power | Day 20
These days are great! Yesterday and the day before yesterday I had so much fun with family friends! My little cousin came by my house and stayed for 2 days so we had the chance to play board games, card games etc for a lot of time. We had so much fun together. I watched a movie with my squad and it seemed good even though I didn't watch the whole movie because I had to go to a house of another cousin of mine, P. My cousin, P and I played a lot of new games (for us). We played Charades (it's like Guess Who, or Heads Up) and we had fun playing the 7 second challenge. We tested the Akinator and finally defeated him! (Gotcha akinator, Mr. I know everything).
Also, I started a wonderful book. This incredible book I'm talking about is called "The Power" and it's written by Rhonda Byrne. You can't imagine how special and important this book is. I accidentally found it in house' library and I read the first 40 pages in half an hour or so. I loved it! I am totally in love with this book. It makes you feel good every time you read a little bit of it! Life is so beautiful! It's so beautiful if you think of all the great things that happen in your life; family, friends, goals, aspirations etc. I highly recommend it!
Have you heard my official song "Cosmos" ? Go and check it out! I recently composed (on piano) the acoustic version and I can't wait to share it with you!
I have an amazing plan for this year's end. I won't share it with you right now.. I want you to be patient and wait until the end of this year! :D

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