
"Nightmare" by Miley Cyrus (COVER)

I'm still trying to wake up from this nightmare. Where everything is in its right place, but you are not there.  Hello, little dreamers! This is my cover of Miley Cyrus' unrealeased song, which is called "Nightmare". I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the sweet girl next to me (Fay E.) for playing the guitar! If you like it, don't forget to click that [thumbs up] button and leave a comment below! Have a wonderful day! Love, Leander Dreamer

I love #Athens | I love #Greece

Lately, I went to Athens and I visited the beautiful Acropolis . I was so impressed by the architecture of Ancient Greece . Everything looked so perfect and unique. I can't express my happiness with words!! I am really excited that I had the chance to see all of those monuments and sights.  I am just so proud to be GREEK and I love my country. 

#DearMe - What I'd say To My Younger Self | Leander Dreamer

Hello, this is my new video! It's about what advice I would give to my  younger self. I hope you like it!  If you have a friend with low self-esteem, please send this video to him/her .  It may help him/her.  That's all, bye ;)  Find me on:  Facebook: smarturl.it/LDFB Twitter: smarturl.it/LeDrTwitter  Tumblr: smarturl.it/LDTumblr Blogger: smarturl.it/LDblogger Instagram: smarturl.it/LDIG SoundCloud: smarturl.it/LDSC Youtube: smarturl.it/DreamerYT

Τυφλές Ελπίδες | Leander Dreamer Cover

Tyfles Elpides - Pantelis Thalassinos | Παντελής Θαλασσινός Τυφλές Ελπίδες

#I #love #music vol.2


Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Phoenix | Leander Dreamer

Here is my acapella version of Conchita's "Rise Like A Phoenix". Thank you so much for watching! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voNQe9fOjXc Find me on:  Youtube: smarturl.it/LDYT Facebook: smarturl.it/LDFB Tumblr: smarturl.it/LDTumblr Instagram: smarturl.it/LDIG Blogger: smarturl.it/LDblogger SoundCloud: smarturl.it/LDSC Twitter: smarturl.it/LeDrTwitter  

Questions & Answers | Leander Dreamer

Here is a Q&A video for y'all! If you like it, subscribe :)  Thank you for everything :D Find me on:  Facebook: smarturl.it/LDFB Twitter: smarturl.it/LeDrTwitter  Tumblr: smarturl.it/LDTumblr Blogger: smarturl.it/LDblogger Instagram: smarturl.it/LDIG SoundCloud: smarturl.it/LDSC